Do you remember who you are?
Isa 26:8 ... The desire of our soul is for Your name And for the remembrance of You
Seems that our souls (mind, thoughts, emotions) need remembering....
Jer 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you..."
Remembering starts with Being Still to Know how you are called by the Creator.
Do you know how much you are inexplicably loved?
You are made in Love and
because you are Loved, then
you are made to Love and for Love.
This Perfect Love is not as the world loves but it is from El Shaddai Who delights and desires to evolve you and everyone else around you.
Be still and know you are Loved.
What is your heart's desire, truly?
A.S.K the Creator with the purest of intentions for grace to show you the things you CANNOT change
A.S.K Him for strength to change the things you CAN change
and most importantly....
A.S.K for discernment to be able to tell the difference between your first two A.S.K's
Ask Seek Knock, then Be still and it will be given, you will find and door opened.
Have you ever woken up and thought;
"Ugh, I haven’t done anything with my life." or "There must be more to life"?
I used to feel that way all the time. Every day was the same -- go to work, have the same conversations with the same people, watch everything unfold the same way, wake up, work, eat, fall asleep, repeat.
What if you change it up and find an outlet to create something you are proud of because you have connected with your inner true self?
If you're not sure what this means, then there is a journey up ahead you might want to embark on.
Will you Be still and know?
Are you willing to surrender your heart and mind to the Father's Loving Instructions?
We live in such a time that The Most High is giving us strategies and plans to overcome challenges we face daily and manifest more of His Will in our relationships in unimaginable ways.
Our Heavenly Father, has plans for peace, not disaster, to give us a future filled with hope. Plans of goodness and grace that will reach multitudes of the lost and dying souls one day at a time.
The challenge for us is
to Be still and know how to pay attention.
Why do Physicists Say Your Brain Might Be More Powerful Than Every Computer Combined?
2 Peter 1:3 "His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence,"
Our bodies are not our own and that it is a temple of the Holy Spirit.
Luke 17:20 “The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you."
These are incredible gems of truth waiting to be unearthed. Be still and study to show yourself worthy of deeper insight and revelation from the Word.
Shifting one mindset at a time
away from negative thinking habit patterns,
into your perfect thinking design.
~ Suzanne (Harmony@Home, Founder)
Our choice of thoughts signals change in our brain and body.
Phil. 4:8 is our guide to our thinking journey.